Atelier Turbulence and Wave-Vortex Interactions in Fluids and Plasmas
Typical structures in turbulent flows are vortices and waves. The first ones are immediately identified in spatial ‘snapshots’, and are extensively studied in connection with organized motion interacting with unstructured motion. On the other hand, nonlocal waves need a complete spatio-temporal analysis, if we exclude local quasi-stationary shocks (higly com- pressible turbulence and Burger turbulence will be not addressed.) In addition to acoustic waves, which affect weakly compressible flows in the near field (aroacoustics in the far field is outside our scope), dispersive waves are triggered by external forces (Coriolis, buoyancy) or mean-gradient-effects (stable stratification, shear) in, e.g., quasi-incompressible geophysical flows: Inertial waves, internal gravity waves, Rossby waves, Kelvin waves, and mixed ones. Even in the simplest case of weakly compressible turbulence, and in stably-stratified turbu- lence with buoyancy, wave and vortex modes are simultaneously present and can interact.
This theme is important from magnetohydrodynamics to plasma physics, but the diversity of wave motion, accounting for coupling with the magnetic field, is enhanced with respect to the purely ‘hydro’ case, with Alfvèn-type waves and various drift waves. For instance, the Lagrangian diffusion can be strongly altered by dispersive waves, so that waves can dominate the capping of fluid trajectories (or real particles), that is generally attributed to vortex structures in the ‘hydro’ community. Alteration of single-particle and two-particle diffusion by waves and vortices is therefore a common theme in ‘hydro’ (rather geophysics with waves) and plasmas communities.
Finally, faced with the recent fast development of wave turbulence theory, but more for sur- facic waves or vibrating plates, it is very important to made a state-of-the-art and to explore the future of a generalized spectral theory, possibly incorporating linear ‘Rapid Distortion’ operators and triadic closures. Applications range from engineering to astrophysics: Let us mention the rotating shear flow, which can be used as a model in turbomachinery (interblade channel) and more recently in astrophysics (accretion discs). Of course, comparisons with DNS results and/or with simpler phenomenological theories/ models will be extensively discussed. Particularly, vortex and waves structures can coexist, introducing a new paradigm of coexistence and interaction of cascades in ‘weak’ and ‘strong’ turbulence.
The following list of themes will be addressed: 1. Rotating turbulence, with and without stable stratification, with and without confin- ment. New paradigm of interacting ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ turbulence. 2. Lagrangian diffusion in fluids and plasmas: Capping of trajectories by waves and vor- tices. 3. Organized motion in complex shear flows, and interactions 4. From theory and high resolution DNS to improved models for engineering and environ- ment. 5. And beyond: perspectives in Energy, towards nuclear fusion and ITER project 6. And beyond: perspectives in geophysics, towards prediction of climate
du lundi 20 octobre 2014 au mardi 21 octobre 2014
École Centrale de Lyon, Amphi 203
Monday 20/14
10h00 Accueil café
10h25 Welcome Claude Cambon LMFA
10h30 Waves and vortices in stratified fluids: co- existence and mutual impact** Yuly Chashechkin Moscou, Acad. Sciences
11h20 Mean currents induced by reflecting internal gravity waves Louis Gostiaux LMFA
11h45 Potential vorticity dynamics in homogeneous baroclinic turbulence Alexandre Pieri ISAC, Turin
12h10 Wave turbulence in a rotating channel Julian F. Scott LMFA
12h35 Lunch
14h00 The impact of the magnetic geometry on the energetic coupling of scales in gyrokinetic turbulence Bogdàn Teaca Coventry, UK
14h50 Nonlinear effects in internal wave attractors Evgeny Ermanyuk ENS, Lyon
15h15 Pause
15h35 Turbulent flows in libration-driven ellipsoids Benjamin Favier IRPHE, Marseille
16h00 Dynamical interaction between coherent motion and turbulence in turbulent wake Luminita Danalia CORIA, Rouen
16h25 End of the first day
Tuesday 21/14
09h30 Long-time evolution of 2D inviscid flows Brad Marston Brown University, USA
10h20 Rare events in stochastic partial differential equations and turbulent dynamics Freddy Bouchet ENS, Lyon
10h45 Pause
11h05 Slow evolution and bistability of planetary zonal jets Tomàs Tangarife ENS, Lyon
11h30 Cyclone-anticyclone asymmetry and alignment statistics in homogeneous rotating turbulence Aurore Naso LMFA
11h55 Unstably strtified homogeneous turbulence Benoît-Joseph Gréa CEA, Paris
12h20 Lunch
14h00 Statistical approach of rotating stratified turbulence Fabien S. Godeferd LMFA
14h25 Differential fluid mechanics - what we can calculate and observe Yuly Chashechkin Moscou, Acad. Sciences
15h15 MHD Numerical simulations of the von Karman dynamics in a plasma Francesco Palermo LMFA, Lyon
15h30 Secondary Instability in Horizontal Shear under Rapid Rotation and Strong Stratification Aziz Salhi Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Tunis, Université Tunis-El Manar
16h00 Table ronde, discussion
16h30 End of the meeting