Euromech 589 : turbulent cascade II

Most environmental and industrial flows are turbulent. The efficient modeling of such flows depends on the understanding of the turbulent cascade, i.e., the transfer of kinetic energy between different length scaes. This colloquium focuses on the universal features of the turbulent cascade in a wide range of flows, and in the presence of different types of external forces. In 1941, Kolmogorov proposed a theory that is justified only in the simplest of situations.

In particular, we will discuss turbulent cascades in multi-phase flows, superfluid-, and non-Newtonian flows. Flows in the presence of shear or unsteady forcing, or influenced by body-forces (Coriolis- and Lorentz-forces, buoyancy effects) and compressibility, or modulated through the finite size of solid particles, drops and bubbles, as well as through wavy structures of the gas/liquid interface and its surface tension, will all be considered.

The colloquium will bring together scientific experts from the weather-forecasting, applied mathematics, hydrodynamics and geophysics communities in order to progress together on the understanding and modeling of the common feature of all these flows: the turbulent cascade.


du mardi 5 au jeudi 7 décembre 2017


École centrale de Lyon, Écully

Inscriptions et site web

Euromech 589 : turbulent cascade II


Tuesday, december 5th

Welcome and opening remarks
Mikhael Gorokhovski (on behalf of the Organizing Committee)

Inaugural words
Jean-Pierre Bertoglio (Scientific Director, Ecole Centrale de Lyon)

9:00-18:00 Multi-scales interactions and non-stationary cascades: physics, models and tools

9:00-10:00 Chairman: Fabien Godeferd

10:00-10:30 Refreshment Break

10:30-12:30 Chairmain: Joachim Peinke

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-16:10 Chairmain: Wouter Bos

16:10-16:40 Refreshment Break

16:40-18:00 Chairman: Claude Cambon

18:00-19:30 Welcome cocktail combined with posters session

Wednesday, december 6th

8:30-10:30 Presence of free gas/liquid interface.

Chairman: Mikhael Gorokhovski

10:30-11:00 Refreshment Break

11:00-12:30 Turbulence under “active” particles.

Chairman: Pablo Mininni

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-16:00 Turbulence under “active” particles.

Chairman: Mickael Bourgoin

16:00-16:30 Refreshment Break

16:30-17:40 Compressibility - turbulence; turbulence - atomization.

Chairman: Martin Oberlack

17:40-18:10 Posters