Workshop on Multiscale and directional approach to single-phase and two-phase flows
École Centrale de Lyon
- to gather experts from the turbulence field after this hard and long period of Covid 19 lockdown. Everyone will be welcome to present a talk on what “keeps his heart beating so fast” around the multiscale physics in one-and-two phase turbulence.
- to extend an interface between two GDRs, one is the GDR 2865 on the phenomenology of turbulence, and another is the GDR 2042 on the transfer and interfaces. Two coordinators of those GDRs will present a short introduction to their GDR.
- to take part in the discussion on the new focus of interest in the fluid mechanics “turbulence of respiratory strays” (TORS) with eventual points on high-speed production of droplets under accelerating/decelerating air-blast, on turbulent dynamics and clustering of droplets in air jets (with and without buoyancy), on droplets evaporation under highly turbulent conditions,on new ways of the room ventilation, àn the improved methods in pathogen droplets removal, etc.
- Mikhael Gorokhovski (LMFA, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France)
- Carlo Massimo Casciola (La Sapienza Università, Rome, Italy)
This is a join ERCOFTAC event with SIG35, SIG39, SIG50 and PC Henri Bénard
Provisional program, November, the 12th and 13th
Brève introduction des deux GDRs
Discussions scientifiques
Turbulence monophasique :
Martin Oberlack (TU Darmstadt) On Symmetry induced Scaling Laws for arbitrary high order. Would that fit?
Christos Vassilicos (LMFL, Lille) tba
Bruno Chaouat (ONERA, Palaiseau) From multiple-scales to subgrid-scales models of flow and mixing
Laurent Chevillard (ENS Lyon) On stochastic modeling of some aspects of the random nature of fluid turbulence
Christophe Josserand (LadHyx, Ecole Polytechnique) Singularity mediated turbulence
Wouter Bos (LMFA) tba
Turbulence diphasique
Rémi Zamansky (IMFT) On agitation induced by large Reynolds number bubbles with moving sources of momentum
Martin Obligado (LEGI) On Reynolds and Rouse numbers effects in settling of inertial particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulence
Cristian Marchioli (University of Udine) On particle capture by deformable drops in turbulence
Nathanaël Machicoane (LEGI) Multiscale analysis of swirled coaxial atomization
Filippo Coletti (ETH Zürich) Inertia and gravity: experimental observations of particles in turbulence over six decades of length scale
Aurore Naso (LMFA) tba
Alain Pumir (ENS, Lyon) tba
Partie COVID19 Flow
Alfredo Soldatti (Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer TU Wien) Flow dynamics of respiratory sprays
Francesco Picano (Padua University) DNS of turbulent dilute jet-spray with application to sneezing droplets
The workshop will take place partly online and partly in person for people from France, and mostly from Lyon, the École Normale, the École Centrale and the University.
(free of charge)