Henri Bénard ERCOFTAC Pilot Center

The idea of the first Pilot Center, PEPIT, was to consolidate scientific activities in the study of turbulence in the Rhône-Alpes region. Its success motivated three laboratories (LMFA - École Centrale/INSA/University Claude Bernard in Lyon, LEGI in Grenoble, and Physics Laboratory of École Normale Supérieure in Lyon) to create the new Pilot Center, “Centre Henri Bénard”. Later on, the Institute Jean Le Rond d’Alembert - Sorbonne University joint this center, together with industrial partners, the CEA and the ONERA. On one hand, the objective is to promote visibility and to encourage synergies in studies of turbulence in natural phenomena, on the other hand, this objective is also to stimulate the link between fundamental research in turbulence and its potential applications in the industry.

Scope of interest - hot points in turbulence and beyond

Turbulent Cascade II, december 2017

Recent report

2017-2019 report (pdf)